Hair Transplantation



Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation FUE + ΙD (Follicular Unit Extraction and Implantation Direct), is a minimally invasive treatment to restore hair growth without side effects. Success rates for hair growth and natural results reach 100%.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO 1946) “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” Aesthetic Medicine is about optimizing human psychological well-being, and hence human general health.


Clinical dermatology is a branch of dermatology dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Early diagnosis of skin diseases is necessary as they can often cause or be indicative of more serious health problems.



Doctor Papanikolaou Lefteris has 15 years of experience in hair transplantation and aesthetic medicine. He was scientific director at the clinic of DHI Athens and London from 2011 to 2015, performing over 3800 surgical operations with DHI in England, France, Switzerland, Germany, India. He has been a member of the Medical Association of Athens since 2008, of GMC (General Medical Council) of England since 2009, and ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) since 2012, member of HDS- Hellenic Dermoscopy Association (ELEDE) & Hellenic Society of Dermatology & Venereology (EDAE) from 2017, to date. Resident in dermatology & venereology at Andreas Syggros Hospital, since 2017.


It’s always the word of mouth that’s the best advice. Here are some of our…


Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante. Vivamus sagittis velit quis dictum ultricies. Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue.


Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.


What do our smallest patient say?

Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Mauris quis arcu et sem suscipit sollicitudin at quis tellus. Ut maximus ex semper, ultricies lorem in, viverra nisl. Proin lorem quam, tincidunt at neque et, semper molestie urna. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.

Specialty of dermatology and aphrodisiacs at the hospital Andreas Sygros. Scientific Director at the DHI Clinic of Athens from 2011 to 2015 with seventeen  years of experience in hair transplantation and aesthetic medicine.

Contact Info

+30 697 3731 730

+30 210 898 2 389

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